DEAR ABBY: My 19-year-old son, "Clay," took his grandmother's car while she was sleeping to run over to his friend's house around the corner. He doesn't have a driver's license, and ended up wrecking her car, which is completely totaled.
His uncle and I want our mom to press charges against him, but she doesn't want to. Clay is my son and I love him, but I think he needs to step up, act like an adult and take responsibility. Should we make her press charges? -- DISGUSTED IN GALVESTON, TEXAS
DEAR DISGUSTED: At 19, your son is no longer a child. How is he going to learn about consequences if he isn't forced to take responsibility for his actions? Although I'm not sure you can force your mother to press charges, if your son is living at home, you can insist that he somehow make restitution for the damage he caused.
As it stands, this young man has already broken two laws -- driving without a license and car theft. (I wonder if he was also under the influence when he totaled the car.)
Perhaps you, your son and your mother can agree on an amount and a schedule of repayment.