DEAR ABBY: I am writing to you as a last resort. I have been married for 13 years to a man who does not communicate, to say the least. I have begged, pleaded, fought and waited for him to talk about something other than his children.
Now I have met a man who is divorced, and we have wonderful conversations. There is nothing more to it than conversation at this point.
My question is, if lack of communication is the only thing wrong in a marriage, is it enough of a reason to end a marriage? I was always brought up to "hang in there" and make it work at all costs. I am at my wit's end. -- JUST WANTING TO TALK, WOODBURY, MINN.
DEAR JUST WANTING TO TALK: The "only thing wrong" in your marriage is the foundation of what a healthy marriage is built upon. When couples can't communicate, it usually poisons the rest of the relationship.
Before you invest any more of yourself in the divorced man, it's important that you and your husband get counseling from a licensed marriage and family therapist. Consider it a "hail Mary" pass at saving your marriage. I'm crossing my fingers that counseling will open the channel of communication between you and your spouse. If it doesn't, then you will have to decide how much longer you can live in intellectual and emotional isolation.