DEAR ABBY: Does it make me a horrible daughter if I don't want to take my mother to visit my older sister who lives 90 miles away? According to my mother, it does. I have always taken her in the past, even when it was the last thing I wanted to do.
I was divorced for several years, but three years ago I married a wonderful man, and now I have a life. I suppose in the past my mother felt I had nothing better to do. When I act like I'd rather not go, she says things such as, "I'll be dead someday, and you won't have to bother with me." I hate that.
She also tries to drag my husband into the argument, saying he won't "let" me go, as if to suggest that I really want to go and it's his fault.
My husband says she's jealous that I have him in my life, and she feels like he's taken me from being at her beck and call. What do you think? -- FEELING GUILTY IN TENNESSEE
DEAR FEELING GUILTY: Your husband has keen insight. You're feeling guilty because your mother plasters on the guilt like a baker spreads frosting. If you are her only mode of transportation, perhaps it's time to suggest that if she wants a visit with your sister, your sister should pick her up -- or better yet, come to visit Mama.