DEAR ABBY: I think my grandson lives next door to me, but I'm not sure. I can't sleep at night wondering and worrying.
About two years ago, my neighbor kept inviting my then-18-year-old son over to help her do odd jobs while her husband was at work. He seemed happy to help out, and she always gave him some money for the jobs. A few months later, she and her husband announced they were expecting.
I work with this man's ex-wife, and she confided to me once that she never had children because he couldn't give her any. To me, this could mean that the husband knows he's not the father, or maybe that they used my son as an unintentional sperm donor. The little boy looks a lot like my son did at that age. Should I confront him about the affair and possible parenthood? He may be unaware that he fathered the child. -- SUSPICIOUS IN ILLINOIS
DEAR SUSPICIOUS: I don't know if "confronting" your son on the subject would be warmly received, but you are certainly entitled to discuss your concerns with your son and find out if they are well-founded. Whatever happens -- or doesn't happen -- after that is up to your son.