DEAR ABBY: My husband and I recently moved into our first house after five years of apartment living. We love our new home and have just unpacked the last box and settled in.
There has been just one bone of contention in our otherwise happy living situation. I have 15 to 20 small- to medium-sized stuffed animals that I enjoy having around. My husband insists they not be visible at all in our home. He says it looks like I haven't grown up and am living in the past. He's embarrassed to have any visitors see them.
Abby, I don't want to display these toys in the living room. They are upstairs in my personal space. Your opinion, please. -- UPSET IN SAN ANTONIO
DEAR UPSET: A compromise is in order. Corral the animals and keep them in a display cabinet in your "personal space." That way your husband won't be crowded with dust-catchers, and you can have your sentimental keepsakes close by.
P.S. It would be interesting to know how you came by all those stuffed animals. If they were gifts from your husband, he has no right to complain. If they were gifts from old boyfriends, however, he may have a valid point.