DEAR ABBY: I was visiting my friend, "Carla," last week and arrived a little early on our way to go shopping. While I was waiting for her to dress, I noticed some photographs on her kitchen counter. I browsed through them and was shocked to see they were pictures of Carla and her husband, "Cesare," naked, in various positions and stages.
Cesare has always flirted with me. He has even suggested on a couple of occasions that he'd like to take me out. Of course, I deflected his advances.
But now, after seeing these pictures, I am torn. Cesare is extremely "manly." My husband is a kind and gentle person, but he has nothing close to what Cesare has to offer. Now, whenever I see Carla's husband, I flash back to those pictures and can't help fantasizing about what it would be like to be with him. This has begun to affect my sex life with my husband. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it.
Should I tell Carla I saw the pictures? Should I tell her that Cesare has been coming on to me? Help! -- TEMPTED IN CAROLINA
DEAR TEMPTED: I see nothing to be gained by telling your friend you saw the pictures, nor do I think it would help the situation to tell her that her husband has been coming on to you. The fantasy in which you are indulging is a common one, but let's get real here -- not all daydreams make for a pleasant reality. My advice is to snap out of it and find something else to occupy your mind, because from my perspective, it seems you have too much time on your hands.