DEAR ABBY: I have been dating a wonderful woman for the past 16 months. She comes from a good family, is well-educated, is financially and emotionally stable, and has two great kids who hero-worship me.
Last night she told me she has fallen in love with me -- and herein lies the problem. Although we have much in common and have a blast together, I'm only so-so attracted to her physically, and she's starting to notice.
I don't want to lose her friendship, but I also don't want to hurt her or her kids, and I'm afraid I already have. What should I do? -- WANTS TO DO THE RIGHT THING
DEAR WANTS TO DO THE RIGHT THING: The right thing is to tell her how fond you are of her and her children and it's something that will never go away, but that you think of her more as a sister than a lover. It won't be easy to say or to hear. But honesty is the best policy in a situation like yours.