DEAR ABBY: While visiting my aunt over the Thanksgiving holiday, I noticed your booklet, "Keepers," on her coffee table. While thumbing through it, I came across a poem that made me think of my mother, who died in early September. I was missing her terribly at that moment, and the poem lifted my spirits and comforted me. I asked my aunt where she had gotten the booklet, and she told me she had ordered it from you last spring.
Is it still available, and how can I get some of them? I'd love to share that poem and some of the others in your collection with my sisters and brothers. -- ISLAND GIRL FROM OAHU
DEAR ISLAND GIRL: Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your mother. I'm sure the holidays this year were especially poignant for you and your siblings, but please know that your mother would not have wanted her death to bring you sadness. She gave you life, and would want you to make the most out of every day that you are given.
Yes, my Keepers booklet is still available. It contains some of the most frequently requested poems and essays that have appeared in this column. To order it, send a business-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $6 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby -- Keepers Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included in the price.)