DEAR ABBY: Yesterday, while I was moving my husband's treasured antique automobile, I got into a fender-bender. He is so upset he won't talk to me. He says he wants a divorce and I should move out of the house.
When I asked him why, he said, "You ruin everything. You make my life miserable, and I don't enjoy anything because of you."
He never said anything like this before, and I am devastated. When I try to apologize, he says, "I don't want to talk about it, just get out." Help me, please. -- DEVASTATED IN LITTLE ROCK
DEAR DEVASTATED: I hope that by the time this appears in print, your husband will have regained his sense of priorities and is acting like an adult again. I don't blame him for being upset that his favorite toy was damaged. However, he should be thanking his lucky stars that YOU weren't injured. It's far easier to replace a fender and a paint job than replace a life partner, which is what you are supposed to be.
Under no circumstances should you move out. If he wants to end the marriage, let HIM move. And the minute he is out the door, call a lawyer. There's an old saying, "He who moves first, loses." The lawyer will explain it to you.