DEAR ABBY: The letter about the man who parades around naked in front of his daughters after his shower prompts my letter. His stated reason is he claims he's hot and needs to air-dry his hemorrhoids. Well, my advice for him is to wrap a towel around his waist, go straight to his bedroom, shut the door and do his "airing" there. Then if he wants, he can stand on his head and air-dry them as long as he darn well pleases. When he's done, he can get dressed and join the family. And if this doesn't please him, send him to a shrink. -- SIMPLE SOLUTION, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO
DEAR SIMPLE: The mail that poured in regarding that letter -- and scolding me for my lighthearted answer -- was all over the map on this subject. Your solution is a good one, but read on:
DEAR ABBY: My father also did that, and I turned out just fine. I'm female, 37, happily married with no emotional scars. Unless the wife has reason to think he's a predator, she should relax. Americans -- and I am one -- are far too hung up on nudity. -- BETTINA IN CROSSVILLE, TENN.
DEAR ABBY: Only people with dirty minds equate nudity (especially that of a family member) with sex. Those girls are probably so used to it by now they think nothing of it. I suspect this is a power struggle between the husband and wife, and it's none of the mother-in-law's business. -- DISGUSTED IN CANADA
DEAR ABBY: The father's actions are criminal. He's sexually abusing the eyes and emotions of those unwilling witnesses. The wife and mother-in-law should document the times and dates of these assaults. With that documentation they can force Dad into therapy long enough to root out the evil beginnings of this perverse behavior. -- PSYCHOTHERAPIST FROM NEW JERSEY
DEAR ABBY: I am European. For us, it is completely normal to see our parents naked. There is nothing abnormal or wrong about it. -- YASMINE (U.S. AIR FORCE)
DEAR ABBY: I almost spewed my coffee when I saw the letter about the guy letting his hemorrhoids air-dry in front of his daughters. Can I say one word here? Bathrobe! -- PAUL IN FAIRBORN, OHIO
DEAR ABBY: You should have advised "Disgusted" to tell her daughter to try once more to calmly and intelligently reason with her husband. And if that doesn't do the trick, the daughter should inform her mother-in-law about his behavior. One call from his mother, and I'll bet the practice would stop! -- VIVIAN IN MASSACHUSETTS
DEAR ABBY: I'd get a video camera and film him without his knowledge. Then, when his family comes to visit over the holidays, I'd announce that I have a "special home video" to show. Maybe when everyone has seen him like that, her husband will make an appointment with a surgeon to have those hemorrhoids removed. -- BERNIE IN AYLETT, VA.
DEAR ABBY: I had a similar problem with my husband and son. Every night they'd come to the dinner table and eat their meal shirtless. Finally, I decided I'd had enough -- so I calmly took off my shirt and proceeded to eat my meal. (They got the message!) -- DAWNELLE IN ALTUS, OKLA.