DEAR ABBY: I wear wigs and hairpieces because I have thinning hair. They are always clean and well-groomed, and I have been told they look very nice. That's the problem! People -- strangers, co-workers -- often approach me and say things like, "Your hair always looks so nice. Who's your hairdresser?" or "How do you keep your hair looking so perfect in this humidity?" or "Do you color your own hair?"
I'm not ashamed of the fact that I wear wigs, but I don't feel I should have to explain it to total strangers. On the other hand, I don't feel right just saying thank you. I feel I'm deceiving people. And when I tell people I'm wearing a wig, the compliments stop. What should I say to these people, Abby? -- BE-WIGGED AND BE-WILDERED IN OHIO
DEAR BE-WIGGED: You are no more obligated to reveal to a stranger or casual acquaintance that you're wearing a wig than you would be to tell someone who compliments you on your figure that it's really silicone or sea sponges. It would not be dishonest to reply that you don't go to any hairdresser in particular (it's the truth) and add, "How nice of you to say that." Then shut your mouth and smile like the Mona Lisa. It's not dishonesty; it's discretion.