DEAR ABBY: My sons are on a football team with a group of young men I love dearly. They spend quite a bit of time at our house, and this has become almost like a second home to a lot of them.
My problem is I am married for the second time to a wonderful man whose name I adopted. My children have a different last name than my husband's. My sons' friends (bless their hearts) always address me by my boys' last name, "Mrs. Jones," and they have even called my husband "Mr. Jones"!
I know they mean no disrespect, but I'm trying to find a way to fix this without making a big deal out of it. Can you help us? In this day and age, I'm sure it happens a lot, and many other men aren't as understanding as my husband is about it. -- EMBARRASSED IN NEVADA
DEAR EMBARRASSED: You and your husband should have corrected the boys the first time this happened. The next time the "team" visits and one of them calls you by the wrong name, smile and say, "I probably should have told you before, but Mr. Jones was my former husband. Please call my husband and me Mr. and Mrs. 'Smith.'" If it's said pleasantly, I'm sure it will upset no one.