DEAR ABBY: I moved away from my ex-boyfriend, "David," seven months ago. Since then, our "perfect" relationship has changed drastically. He has been using horrible language toward me and saying he hates me. David also has said if I was near him, he would beat me. Now that I have told him it is over and have begun talking to someone else, he has decided he wants a second chance.
First, David begged me to go back to him. Then, when I refused, he threatened to ruin my life. He knows some things about me that are very confidential and has threatened to call my mom and tell her everything. He claims he loves me, but then he tells me he hates me.
I don't understand. I have always treated David with respect and tried to be a good girlfriend. But I can't do it anymore, and I'm afraid of how things will turn out. I can't take David harassing me. I don't know if I am in danger or if this is something to worry about. -- SCARED IN SOUTH CAROLINA
DEAR SCARED: People who love each other do not treat each other the way you are being treated. Your ex-boyfriend has become obsessed, and is trying to force you to capitulate through intimidation and blackmail. Tell him once more that it is over and you want him out of your life. Then screen your calls, block his e-mails, and if he approaches you, tell him that if he persists you will inform the police. And if you must, beat him to the punch and tell your mother what he's holding over you. It may not be your proudest moment, but it will loosen his hold over you.
P.S. Under no circumstances should you reconcile with him. This is just a taste of what you'll get if you do. If the harassment continues, go to the police and file a report.