DEAR ABBY: For the past two summers, my husband and I have traveled out of state to visit my best friend from high school, "Grace," and her live-in boyfriend. Our other girlfriend, "Dina," joins us with her live-in boyfriend.
Dina hasn't been getting along with her boyfriend and seems to have emotionally latched on to my husband. (We've been married two years.) During the last visit, Dina wouldn't drink a glass of wine unless she shared my husband's glass. She laughed at everything he said, complimented his looks, took photos of him nonstop, and fawned all over him. My husband is flirtatious with all my friends and, although he didn't do anything inappropriate during the weekend, I felt threatened and told him so.
I feel Dina's actions were disloyal and disrespectful of our 30-year friendship. For sure, I don't want to do the couple thing again next summer. Is this a friend I should keep? -- FURIOUS IN ROSWELL, GA.
DEAR FURIOUS: You may have known Dina for 30 years, but a friend like this you need like poison ivy. After the performance she put on, it's no wonder she's having trouble with her boyfriend. Although it's possible she may have been trying to make him jealous, I wouldn't blame you if you and Grace decided to limit your visits to a foursome from now on.