DEAR ABBY: My 10-year-old daughter, "Teddi," is extremely accident-prone and has been since she started walking. It has become a family joke that Teddi can trip over air. She has fallen down stairs, tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, breaking her foot, and most recently, stepped on a rake and knocked out a tooth.
How do I deal with her teachers and friends' parents who look at me like I'm an abusive mother? My daughter always seems to have a bruise or cut somewhere. I have received my share of phone calls from concerned teachers, and each time I explain that Teddi is very accident-prone.
I love Teddi and have taken every precaution I can to help her have fewer accidents, short of putting her in a bubble to protect her from herself. She has perfect vision and no balance issues. Please advise me. -- TIRED OF ACCUSATIONS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE
DEAR TIRED: Schedule your daughter for a complete physical and neurological checkup. If the doctors find nothing wrong, then it's time to take your daughter to a psychologist to find out what might be causing her problem. You should have done so as soon as you began getting calls from her teachers.