DEAR ABBY: I am a 35-year-old new mommy of a beautiful, 5-month-old little boy. After trying unsuccessfully to conceive for nearly three years, we were blessed to have our son with the help of in vitro fertilization.
My problem is my mother. Before my son's birth, she gave me all kinds of advice. When I didn't use all of it, she would say sarcastically, "Well, I guess you're smarter than I am -- you know everything." Now the baby is here, things have gotten worse.
I finally had to ask her to stop giving me advice on how to lose weight. If she's baby-sitting and I give her the baby's schedule for feeding and napping, she gets offended. If I ask her to do something for him in a certain way, she yells at me to "stop criticizing" her. She will no longer come to our home since "she doesn't want to go anywhere she will be criticized."
I'm sad that she and Dad are missing out on their first grandchild's growing up. What should I do? -- NEW MOM, CHARLOTTE, N.C.
DEAR NEW MOM: Since you seem unable to get through to your mother, ask your father to explain to her that the most welcome advice is that which is asked for, and not that which is unsolicited and intrusive. Other than that, stick to your guns unless you want your son raised according to your mother's rules and on a schedule that's most convenient for her.