DEAR ABBY: Our 25-year-old son was married a year ago. Without going into detail, suffice it to say, he messed up big time. He and his wife are being divorced. During the time they were together they lived in an apartment.
Although he emptied out the savings account along the way, we gave his wife a check for one-half of what had been there. She should not have to suffer for his bad choices. As far as the divorce settlement is concerned, they have nothing but the shower and wedding gifts. Isn't he entitled to half of them? Her family thinks not. Oh, by the way, we paid for half the wedding. -- THE IN-LAWS IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR IN-LAWS: This is a problem that should be discussed with your son's divorce lawyer. Because the gifts could be considered community property, that property should be divided according to an agreement between your son and his wife, or by the judge if they can't agree.