DEAR ABBY: I am a 69-year-old grandfather with a good sense of humor and am partly bald. I wear XXL shirts and have a 46-inch tummy, chubby cheeks and an occasional limp. I still work in an office where the love of my life, my wife of 40 years, is also employed.
My problem is the firm hired a 50ish married woman who likes men. I'll call her "Snuggles." Snuggles wants hugs, gives kisses, and demands to know all the particulars of her fellow employees' lives. I believe this to be innocent on her part, but her brazen behavior really is offensive.
Yesterday was my birthday, and she kissed me twice on the cheek. It was the fourth time in the last two weeks. And yes, I did tell her no more kisses, but I'll bet that only lasts a week or so. When I got home I washed my face and asked my wife to kiss me so that if I died in my sleep, my wife would have been the last woman with whom I shared a kiss.
Since Snuggles is a recent hire, I don't want to get her in trouble. But, golly gee, I thought I was the one to do the sexual harassing. -- HONEY BEAR IN HIGHLAND PARK, ILL.
DEAR HONEY BEAR: Whether or not what "Snuggles" is doing is called sexual harassment, her behavior is not acceptable in a business environment. Using co-workers as a source of, or outlet for, physical affection is inappropriate.
You were right to have asked Snuggles to contain her affection. However, if she persists, you should document the incidents and discuss the matter with your boss, your supervisor, or the person in charge of human resources for your company.