DEAR ABBY: I'm a successful, 25-year-old professional woman, in an amazing relationship with a man I'll call "Riley." We plan to be married in June.
The worm in the apple is this: His parents are not happy with the fact that I have an 8-year-old daughter, "Kyra." I was raped at 16 and chose to keep my baby.
Riley loves Kyra, and vice versa. But Riley's parents can't accept Kyra and me. It hurts my daughter not to be accepted, just as it hurts me. Riley has talked to his parents about the situation, but they are stubborn.
How can I get his parents to love us as their son has? -- HURT IN THE MIDWEST
DEAR HURT: You could campaign for their love from now until the cows come home, but you can't instill love in someone's heart if it isn't there to begin with. And if you were by some miracle able to achieve it, it could take years. Even if Riley demanded that his mother and father treat you and your daughter with kindness and respect, there is no guarantee they would comply. Please take this into consideration before proceeding with your wedding plans.