DEAR ABBY: I am 40 years old and have a close friend whom I have known since elementary school. She has been married for many years and has a beautiful home and family.
Abby, my friend is addicted to painkillers. She will cut herself or burn herself just so she can go to the ER to get pills. She goes to different hospitals and urgent care centers each time.
I have an ongoing medical condition, and she has begged me for my pills (which I need), offered to buy them from me and become irate when I refused. She has even told me that she offers to pay for other people's prescriptions if they'll give her half their pills.
This is putting a damper on our friendship, and I'm not sure what to do. Your thoughts, please. -- WORRIED IN WICHITA
DEAR WORRIED: Your friend is a prescription drug addict. She will need professional help to kick that habit, and possibly a support group thereafter. The kindest thing you could do for her is to tell her husband what you have told me, so he can alert her doctor and find help for her.