DEAR ABBY: My son, "Bobby," and his girlfriend, "Claire," had a baby two weeks ago. Bobby lives with us and Claire lives with her parents, although they hope to get a place together soon.
Bobby and Claire are having a problem deciding on where to sleep. They each want to be with their family. They were going to alternate one night at each house, but Claire's mom said it wouldn't be good for the baby, as the baby needs a regular place to live. Is it bad for a newborn to switch beds? Both houses are equipped with all the baby things the little one needs.
Bobby works about 30 hours a week and attends college full time. Claire doesn't work or go to school. What can I do to help them resolve their issues without hurting anyone's feelings? My son wants to be in Claire's and the baby's lives. I just don't know how to help him. -- WANTS TO HELP IN OHIO
DEAR WANTS TO HELP: The biggest favor you could do for Bobby and Claire would be to encourage both of them to complete their education before moving anywhere. The fact that your son and his girlfriend can't decide which house to sleep in should be a clue that neither he nor she is mature enough to be moving out on their own.
Your son will have plenty of time to see his girlfriend and child after work and on weekends, and since your house is well-equipped, your grandchild can come for visits. But for now, it would be in the best interests of everyone to stay where they are. Trust me on that.