DEAR ABBY: My fiance's best friend, "Ted," accidentally shot himself in the head in front of another friend, "Matt." Matt blames himself for the accident, even though Ted survived and is doing OK.
Matt and Ted were drinking and looking at Ted's gun. The gun has a history of not ejecting the bullet when you want it to. Ted looked to see if the gun had any bullets in it, and it didn't, so Ted put the barrel to his head and pulled the trigger.
Matt feels that Ted blames him for what happened, although nobody blames him. It was just a stupid accident. Are there any support groups out there that my fiance and I can get Matt into? He's really messed up and needs to talk to someone. -- CARING FRIEND IN MONTANA
DEAR CARING FRIEND: Among the rules of responsible gun ownership are never to point the barrel at anyone and never to presume that the gun is empty. Ted is lucky his stupidity didn't cost him his life. If there is any support group I'd recommend for Matt -- and Ted, too, as soon as he's fully recovered -- it would be AA. It appears both of them have a serious problem with alcohol.