DEAR ABBY: I have a good job, a nice house, a great family and great friends -- but I'm miserable.
I hate my job, but instead of quitting, I call in sick. It has put me in danger of getting fired. I lie to my husband about the work I miss, and since I handle the finances, he doesn't realize what an impact it has. I feel like a horrible person, but I'm afraid to quit and go somewhere else. I have no other skills, and I wouldn't be able to make the same money elsewhere.
I'm also afraid my husband will find out and be furious. I feel I'm putting my family in financial jeopardy and risking everything because I can't show up for work. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I just wake up some mornings and can't face going in, so I hide out in our house and pretend that I go to work. I feel lazy and worthless. I think I may be depressed, but some weeks or months I feel fine. What should I do? -- GOING CRAZY IN ARIZONA
DEAR GOING: May I offer a couple of suggestions? Your mood swings may be chemical. Make an appointment with your physician, explain what's going on and get a referral to a psychotherapist. Once that's done, pick up the phone and find the nearest school that offers career counseling. You may have more marketable skills than you give yourself credit for.
Please don't put it off. Hiding from your husband will only make this worse. The longer you hide it, the more upset he will be when he learns what has been happening.