DEAR ABBY: My problem is my neighbor's home basketball court. The parents are oblivious to how far the noise travels. My ears are constantly assaulted by the thump, thump and screaming of children that goes along with the game. It's impossible on most days and evenings to sit on my porch and read a book, or in my living room without closing the windows.
Most people hate to complain to the offending neighbors because they're nice people, even though they are clueless. Zoning board members: How about outlawing basketball hoops in neighborhoods where there's less than 500 feet between houses? Give us a break.
As taxpayers, we're assessed to provide bigger and better playgrounds and school gyms. That's where basketball hoops belong. Driveways shouldn't supersede the local playground. Please, parents, unless you live on a lot that's an acre or larger, take down that horrid noisemaker and take the kids to the playground. Show some consideration for your neighbors. -- FRACTURED EARDRUM IN THE SUNBELT
DEAR FRACTURED: Whether or not the sound of children playing is an annoying racket depends on one's perspective. If you are a parent, the sound is music to the ears -- and when those days are over, the happy sound will be missed.
Sometimes being a good neighbor involves striking a compromise. Since you're being driven out of your gourd, speak to the parents of these budding basketball stars and negotiate some time limits for the games.