DEAR ABBY: My sister informed me that her daughter was pregnant and being married at the local courthouse. They live in Kansas. I live in Florida.
The day after the ceremony, my sister e-mailed me, expressing her anger that I did not acknowledge her daughter's "special day." Keep in mind that I have never known her kids, as we have lived so far apart all of their lives. Her other daughters have called me every name they can come up with, trying to make me feel bad for "forgetting" about the event. I don't feel I was obligated to do anything, especially when my sister announced it would be "parents only" at the ceremony.
Who's out of line here, in your opinion? -- DISTANT AUNT IN TITUSVILLE, FLA.
DEAR DISTANT AUNT: Since you weren't invited to the wedding, you had no obligation to send a gift. It would have been nice if you had marked the occasion with something -- a token gift. However, since you are now being "called every name they can come up with," I wouldn't blame you for going from distant aunt to an even more distant one.