DEAR ABBY: I am extremely concerned about my wife, "Jackie's," drinking. She has only two glasses of wine every night after work, but the glasses are large, and two of them measure out to an entire bottle.
When she drinks, she slurs her words and her mood swings from happy and gentle to confrontational and angry. Some nights are worse than others. She drinks even more on weekends when we go out.
At times, our children are the target of her verbal abuse. (She is never physically abusive.)
I have read that a glass or two of wine is good for your health. I think a bottle is excessive. I have confronted her, but nothing changes. Her drinking continues.
Abby, what is considered a "glass" of wine? Is a bottle a day substance abuse? I'm afraid I'm married to an alcoholic. I want to end this, but I won't for our children's sake. Please help. -- LIVING WITH AN ALCOHOLIC
DEAR LIVING: Your fears are well-founded. Your wife must be using a water goblet and filling it to the brim. This is not beneficial to anyone's health. A "glass" of wine is 4 ounces.
Before your wife's verbal abuse damages the children any further, give her an ultimatum –- get help or get out (and you're keeping the children). This may sound extreme, but immediate action is called for. You and your children may also want to consider seeking support from Al-Anon. It's in the phone book.