DEAR ABBY: Our son, "Jonas," got into trouble with the law because of drugs. He is now in rehab seven days a week, and lives here with his father, "Harry," and me. I'm proud to say Jonas is doing well. However, one condition set by the court is that alcohol not be on the premises where he lives.
When Jonas told Harry about it, Harry went ballistic and claimed his own rights were being infringed upon by the courts. Harry stubbornly insists that he will drink beer in his own home if he chooses even though it could get our son sent to jail.
I am standing my ground that alcohol may not be brought into our home. I used to have a glass or two of wine in the evenings, but I'm willing to sacrifice that in order to protect our son's freedom.
I am so torn. I love my husband, but I can hardly stand to look at him right now, because he is willing to risk his son's freedom for a beer. How can he think like that? -- WORRIED MOTHER
DEAR WORRIED: You have every right to be concerned because if there is a surprise search, your son will be blamed for something that's not his fault.
It's unfortunate that your husband is either so wedded to his beer, or such a stubborn contrarian, that he's unwilling to sacrifice his transitory pleasure for the sake of his child. You can't force him to make a mature decision. Since he's unwilling to cooperate, it might be in your son's best interest to live elsewhere.