DEAR ABBY: I am a postal carrier. Today I left warnings in the mailboxes of six houses on my route because I found spiders inside. Three of the spiders were black widows. I know because I saw the red hourglass markings on them before they scurried to the back of the box.
Spiders love mailboxes. They nest and lay eggs there. I don't necessarily have to reach inside the boxes to deliver mail, but my customers always do in order to retrieve it.
People usually remember to spray their yards and garages for insects, but they tend to overlook the one place where they directly place their hands and arms.
Please warn your readers to take a minute to spray in, around and underneath their mailboxes -- especially if they see a cobweb. It could prevent suffering a poisonous bite or an allergic reaction, which, in some cases, could prove to be fatal. -- A LAS VEGAS MAIL CARRIER
DEAR MAIL CARRIER: Thank you for an important warning. I know Las Vegas is the gambling capital of the world, but no one should have to gamble when collecting the mail.