DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Jack," grew up with an emotionally abusive mother. He's had limited contact with her for the past seven years. A few months ago, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given less than a year to live. Jack has tried to let go of his past anger in order to emotionally support her and spend quality time with her during her final months. He has paid some of her doctor's bills and made sure her cupboards are stocked with nutritious food.
Last week, she announced that she is marrying her boyfriend. She plans to leave him the family heirlooms and a large inheritance from her mother that was meant to be shared by my husband, his siblings and the grandchildren.
Jack doesn't want to attend his mother's wedding, but he feels guilty not going. What do you think? -- SHOCKED IN SYRACUSE
DEAR SHOCKED: Your husband's mother is consistent. She's remained emotionally abusive to the end. In her warped mind, this is the next best thing to "taking it with her."
Your husband and his siblings would benefit from family counseling. They did not get the mother they deserve and should not feel guilty limiting their -- albeit brief -- future interaction with her.