DEAR ABBY: I am happily married to a man with a strong Catholic upbringing. I was raised without any religious ties, and therefore I was never baptized. This has never bothered me.
Since I do not believe in baptism, I made a conscious decision not to be baptized. This has caused considerable concern for my husband's parents, who are convinced I'll end up in hell.
A few weeks ago as I entered my in-laws' home, they surprised me by sprinkling holy water on me and mumbling a few words. When I described the incident to some friends, they informed me that I have now been baptized -- whether I like it or not. Abby, is this possible? -- WHAT'S GOING ON IN ST. PAUL
DEAR WHAT'S: No, it isn't. According to Father Greg Coiro, a Catholic priest, once a person is past the age of 7 -- he referred to it as "the age of reason" -- the decision to be baptized must be a conscious one. The only exception to that would be a "conditional baptism" for someone who is in a coma.
So, you weren't baptized. You were only moistened.