DEAR ABBY: I work with a pleasant woman, "Kim," who appears to be distracted by my figure. Kim keeps making comments and staring at my large breasts. It makes me very uncomfortable. I've tried to ignore her and have told her that her comments bother me.
Kim has now started trying to see me outside the office, asking me out for lunches and dinners. I've always made an excuse. Last Friday when I was assigned the responsibility of picking out a gift basket for a co-worker who is retiring, Kim volunteered to go shopping with me over the weekend. I simply never called her, and on Monday explained that my weekend was busy. She acted very hurt, but I couldn't think of a more diplomatic way to handle it.
Spending time with someone who cannot stop staring at my chest does not appeal to me. It gives me the creeps. How can I tell Kim she's making me uneasy without causing problems? I have to work with her. -- BUSTY IN TOLEDO
DEAR BUSTY: Tell her once again that her staring and comments are not appreciated -- and if it doesn't stop, you will have to tell your boss or Human Resources about the problem. There is no reason why you should have to tolerate it, or see anyone outside the workplace unless you wish to.