DEAR ABBY: I am a 37-year-old single mom of one. For the past seven years I've led a secret life, because the man I'm in love with is married. (I'll call him Mike.) Mike made a commitment to me to love me forever, and I believe him. He gives me the world.
My family loves Mike to death. They think we should be married because we make such a "perfect couple." They do not know he's married. I've kept this secret from them all these years. Mom went to her grave not knowing Mike has a wife.
I should mention that this man is 18 years my senior. When I met him, his marriage was "on the rocks." Mike was up-front with me about how he would never divorce because of his kids. He doesn't love his wife.
It's been a wonderful seven years. He's the only guy I've ever loved. I can't get enough of him. Should I sit tight and hope a divorce is in the future? -- I'VE GOT A SECRET IN TEXAS
DEAR I'VE GOT A SECRET: From what you have written, your lover has clearly stated that he does not intend to divorce his wife. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. He appears to like things just as they are.