DEAR ABBY: I'm in love with my teacher. I'm 18; he is 23 and single. I have been in love with him since I met him 18 months ago.
He hasn't done anything that could cost him his career, but there have been times when he has shown interest in me. Recently, though, I was told by the principal to "be careful." Not to stop, mind you -- just be careful.
I still love him as much as I ever did, but I can't show it. I graduate in December and was planning on talking to him about this then. Between now and then, though, what should I do? -- IN LOVE IN LA FAYETTE, GA.
DEAR IN LOVE: Until then, you and the teacher should do as the principal urged. Be careful. If you don't, you could harm your reputation and this young man's career.
The best advice I can offer is to play it cool -- very cool -- until at least six months after you graduate. That way, if your interest is reciprocated, he cannot be accused of jumping the gun and starting a relationship while you were still a student. This may seem like a long time to wait, but it's best for both of you. Tongues will wag even then, so I urge you not to give them grist for the rumor mill.