DEAR ABBY: I am a woman who's been married for five years. I'll be 30 on my next birthday and I'm ready to start a family. During the past several months, the media -- and my own doctor -- have convinced me that if my husband and I want a family, we should start NOW.
My husband insists he's not ready and won't be for another five years. His reason is not financial; it is pure selfishness on his part. We both make good salaries, have very little debt and own a beautiful home. He says he's not ready to give up his time for a family. I have tried, with no success, to persuade him with all the arguments.
I am hurt to the core and very angry with him right now. I don't want to be 35 and "still waiting" for him to come around. Help! -- MOMMY-IN-WAITING IN DALLAS
DEAR MOMMY-IN-WAITING: Since your biological clock is ticking, you and your husband should waste no time in talking this out with a marriage counselor. He may have concerns about his ability to be a good parent or about his commitment to your marriage. Until you understand exactly what his problem is, it cannot be dealt with. Do not allow him to put this off. Your concerns are valid.