DEAR ABBY: At 48 years of age, I finally need your help in figuring this one out. A year ago, after more than 22 years of marriage, my 58-year-old wife, "Cindy," began sleeping with her 90-year-old mother. Cindy says she does this so she will hear her mother in case she needs help going to the bathroom.
Our bedroom doors are side-by-side, and I can hear her mother clearly from our bedroom. When her mother gets up to go to the bathroom, I hear Cindy tell her to "go ahead" and let her know if she needs help. In other words, her mother can do this -- and many more things -- on her own.
On the positive side, Cindy may make it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest person still sleeping with her mother. What do you make of this? -- NEGLECTED IN GEORGIA
DEAR NEGLECTED: You have written an unusual letter. The answer to your question lies in whatever happened between you and your wife a year ago that caused her to move out of your bedroom and literally go "home" to her mother. I recommend some truth sessions with a marriage counselor to referee.