DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Dennis," has been having an affair for many years. He filed for divorce and moved out of the house for several months. I made the divorce negotiations so difficult, he gave up and moved back home.
I know Dennis continues to see his girlfriend every day. I put up with it because I still love him after 40 years of marriage.
Do you think I am a fool to continue in this relationship when I know he no longer loves me? -- UNHAPPY IN OKLAHOMA
DEAR UNHAPPY: Only you can answer that. If you're staying in the marriage for financial security -- and financial security is the most important thing to you -- I'd say you are being pragmatic. On the other hand, if you're hoping he'll give up his longtime girlfriend one day and love you again, it could be a long wait.
When a person is single, there is always the possibility of meeting a loving, faithful and eligible person. Being trapped in a loveless marriage must be like living in solitary confinement. You have my sympathy.