DEAR ABBY: Thank you for the laugh of the week -- "Blushing in Baltimore," complaining that from her kitchen sink she can see her neighbors making love in bed because they don't pull the drapes or turn off the lights. I bet you her lights are off, and the only thing in her hands is a pair of binoculars!
This reminds me of the story of the old lady who called the police to complain that the man next door walked around his house naked. The police came to investigate and asked from which window she could see him. She pointed to the kitchen window. After watching for 10 minutes, they said, "Lady, we don't see him." The woman replied, "You're not watching from the right angle. Get up on the kitchen table and you'll see him just fine!" -- LAUGHING IN HARRISBURG
DEAR LAUGHING: Perhaps it is a matter of perspective. "There is none so blind as he who will not see," or to put it another way, "He who averts his eyes misses everything." For a different angle, read on:
DEAR ABBY: Methinks "Blushing in Baltimore" protests too much! It doesn't take Freud to understand the situation. The two parties are well matched. The neighbors like to put on a show, and "Blushing" obliges them by watching.
Abby, nobody forces her to look. Doesn't she have a life of her own? She could get drapes or blinds and go turn on her TV -- but then, a live show beats network television anytime. (And your suggestion to plant a tree would spoil everybody's fun!) -- SEEN IT ALL IN NEW ORLEANS
DEAR SEEN IT ALL: Not necessarily. It depends on who's pruning the tree.