DEAR ABBY: Our stepfather is still alive, but my family and I are trying to decide where to bury him when the time comes. When our mother died six years ago, we purchased two burial plots so they could be laid to rest next to each other. We even had a headstone engraved with both their names.
A few months ago, we discovered that our stepfather sexually abused several of the children and grandchildren when they were young. We also learned he never paid my mother's funeral expenses.
Abby, we are torn between burying him with our mother, or removing the present headstone and replacing it with a single stone with just her name on it. Most of us want him to be buried far away from her. We can't help feeling he married our mother to get to the children. Please advise us on the right thing to do. -- ANGRY DAUGHTER IN KANSAS
DEAR ANGRY DAUGHTER: Your feelings are understandable and justified. However, under the circumstances, I cannot understand why you feel any responsibility for disposing of your stepfather's body "when the time comes." He's not a blood relative.
I have another suggestion: If you are his legal next of kin, donate his body to science. That way in death he can do something positive for society.