DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Ricardo," and I have an ongoing dispute over money. He does not save or plan for the future. He thinks that if he wants to buy something, I should provide him with the money.
Ricardo quit his job before finding another, and I have ended up paying his living expenses. Several months ago, I loaned Ricardo money to buy a car. He's repaid half but still owes me the balance. He's borrowed more money since then to buy a present for my birthday.
My baby sitter quit last week, and Ricardo offered to watch my son until I find another sitter. When I told him I was unable to pay him the full amount I had paid the sitter, he became angry and accused me of never helping him or ever loving him. He says I am taking advantage of his kindness because I am working and he is not.
I have really tried to help Ricardo, but I think it's nervy of him to be asking me for more money when he owes me close to $1,000. What do you think? -- ALMOST BROKE IN BALTIMORE
DEAR ALMOST BROKE: I agree with you. Your boyfriend has turned mooching into an art form. Stiffen your backbone, tell him the bank is closed, and go on with your life without him. He's a bottomless pit.