DEAR ABBY: I am writing in the hope you can help me figure out what I am feeling in my heart.
About a year ago, I started dating the most wonderful woman -- or so I thought. "Gloria" walked into my life and turned everything upside-down. We were both going through divorces.
When our divorces were final, I stopped having contact with my ex-wife. As my relationship with Gloria progresses, she keeps finding reasons to see her ex-husband. She says it's to keep an eye on what he is doing and to assure that she'll get the large sum of money he agreed to pay in their divorce settlement. Gloria goes on long weekend trips with him, and when I'm working at night, she goes to visit him.
Abby, where does this leave me? I love this woman very much and don't know what to do. -- LOST IN TENNESSEE
DEAR LOST: The divorce may be final, but Gloria's emotional connection to her former husband does not appear to be severed.
She may be terrific, but the woman you have described is not ready for another marriage, or even an exclusive relationship. Accept it, and move on.