DEAR ABBY: What do you do when your daughter tells you she has turned into a lesbian?
My husband and I raised her properly. She was married, but things changed. We are respectable people who try to be loving and kind.
Abby, will our daughter ever "turn around" and realize her biological clock is ticking? Will we ever see grandchildren? -- A MOTHER WHO CARES A LOT
DEAR MOTHER: Your daughter's sexual orientation has nothing to do with the way she was raised. Continue to love her as you always have. She needs your support now more than ever. Although your daughter will probably never "turn around," it is still possible for you and your husband to become grandparents. Many gay couples adopt or give birth to children, so don't give up hope.
I'm sure you may have many more questions than you have put in your letter. An excellent source of information and support for you would be an organization called PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). Contact them by writing PFLAG, 1726 M St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036, or by e-mail at info(at), or by visiting the Web site at You'll be glad you did.