DEAR ABBY: I have finally found the love of my life. (I'll call her Muriel.) We spend almost all our time together. We share similar interests; we laugh and cry together. Muriel and I do not live together, but we have a sexual relationship and believe we are soul mates.
There's one big difference between us that's causing a major problem: We have different "body thermostats," which makes sleeping together difficult. When I am comfortable, Muriel is shivering. When she's comfortable, I am too warm.
When I visit her apartment, it's overly warm and stuffy with little ventilation. Muriel in turn complains about how chilly I keep my house.
I am at my wit's end about how to solve this. I care enough for Muriel to want to spend the rest of my life with her, but if we can't be comfortable sleeping in the same bed, how can we possibly last? Your thoughts, please. -– SLEEPLESS IN TOLEDO
DEAR SLEEPLESS: Your beloved is the kind of woman for whom flannel was invented. Please don't let it come between you.