DEAR ABBY: I was married to my soul mate for more than 31 years. He passed away three years ago. I stayed by his side 24 hours a day for 21 months while he fought for his life against a malignant brain tumor. We had a great marriage, and I'm thankful I was able to be there for him. I'll never get over missing or loving him.
I'm 54 and healthy, and decided not to wear black and mourn for the rest of my life. Three months ago, I married a man with whom I had become good friends at church during the last year and a half. We actually dated for only a month, but we knew each other well enough to know that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.
The problem is my two adult children. They have become greedy and demanding. They're afraid I'm going to leave all of "Dad's" retirement to my new husband. They refer to my house as "Dad's" house. I have explained to them that it is mine. I gave them what he specified in his will, and then some. My daughter even demanded to see my will -- which I told her she could see after I die.
My daughter has asked me not to call her house anymore. Was it wrong of me to go on with my life? -– NO NAME OR TOWN, PLEASE
DEAR NO NAME: Not at all. While your daughter may justify her behavior as trying to "protect" her mother, in reality the name for what she's doing is emotional blackmail. Keep your distance and concentrate on being the happy newlywed you deserve to be. How sad for your children that because of their attitude they have driven a wedge between themselves and the only parent they have left.