DEAR ABBY: I almost had a heart attack when I opened my phone bill. It was more than $800. I called the phone company and told them it had to be a mistake. To make a long story short, it was because of our computer-access phone number.
We recently moved 60 miles away. We were supposed to change the access phone number to a local number, but we didn't because we don't know much about computers and didn't realize we should. After talking to the telephone company representative, we changed access numbers, but not before the next billing cycle -- and we received a phone bill for another $800. This bill cannot be negotiated, so we are paying it in monthly installments.
Abby, please warn your readers to be sure they change their access phone numbers for their computers if they move. Otherwise, they will receive the shock we did. -- SORRY, WRONG NUMBER
DEAR SORRY: Yours was an expensive lesson. I hope that readers will learn from your eye-opening experience, and not procrastinate about changing their access number when the need arises.