DEAR ABBY: I have been living with a man for more than a year. We get along perfectly, and he says he loves me.
The problem is he will not make a commitment to get married. I do everything a wife would do to make a comfortable home for us. I am approaching middle age, and I want the security of marriage.
Should I wait for him, hoping he will change his mind, or should I move on and find someone who would like to make a commitment? Any help would be appreciated. -- DISAPPOINTED IN SEATTLE
DEAR DISAPPOINTED: Sometimes people don't realize how precious something is until it's gone. Tell your roommate he has had enough free samples, that it's marriage or nothing. If he loves you, you'll get your proposal. If he doesn't, you are better off without him.
P.S. A man who loves a woman wants her to have the security that comes with a marriage license.