DEAR ABBY: I'm in my late 30s and have no one to confide in. I couldn't find any available men, so last year I ended up having an affair with an unhappily married man. A few weeks later, his ex-wife kicked him out. I gladly took him in. I deeply regret not getting to know him first. His kids refuse to speak to me, and he doesn't want any more children.
My family dislikes him and warned me about getting involved in the first place. His relationship with his own family is poor, and he has no close friends.
I'm beginning to understand why he was unhappy in his marriage, but it's too late to give him back to his ex. I feel stuck with him because he left his family to be with me. I can't even leave because we're in my house. -- TRAPPED IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR TRAPPED: There are no good excuses for becoming involved with a married man, and believe me, I've heard them all. You have learned the hard way and are paying the price.
As I see it, you're far from "trapped." You both made a choice that you now realize was a blunder, but he's not your responsibility -- so don't compound your mistake. Ask him to leave.