DEAR ABBY: I am in love with a wonderful man who meets all my specifications for a lifetime mate, except one.
He is honest, healthy, good-looking (could pass for 58 to 60), financially secure, generous, very active socially, has a great attitude on life, a great set of friends, we are sexually compatible, and he loves my family and me more than any man ever has.
My problem? He is 70 years old. I am 52. I have told him if he were 58 I would marry him.
I greatly value your opinion. Could I be making the biggest mistake of my life? -- CONFUSED IN SOUTH CAROLINA
DEAR CONFUSED: I don't know if it's the biggest -- but it's certainly in the top 2 percent. You say he's healthy and vigorous -- what could be your fear? If it's that you might be a young widow, consider this: You could marry a younger man with whom you have less in common, but he could keel over tomorrow. None of us has a contract with God.