DEAR ABBY: I have a 13-year-old granddaughter who has a mustache. More and more, kids tease her about it. She tried to remove it by using something a friend gave her, but it ended up irritating her upper lip.
Her mom told her to overlook it if kids tease her, and that when she's 18 she can have it "taken care of." Until then, what is my granddaughter supposed to do? She's a sweet, beautiful girl, and my heart aches for her.
Abby, can you offer some advice to her mom, and other moms out there, whose daughters face the same problem? -- INQUIRING GRANDPARENT
DEAR GRANDPARENT: Yes. It's a common problem, and there are many choices -- a selection of over-the-counter depilatory creams, waxes and bleaches are available.
If directions are carefully followed under her mother's supervision, your granddaughter should get good results. Waxing "smarts" a bit, but it's far less painful than the embarrassment of unwanted facial hair. There is also the option of laser hair removal.
When your granddaughter is older, she and her mother might discuss permanent hair removal with a dermatologist or licensed electrologist.