DEAR ABBY: There is a possibility, hopefully slim, that a friend's bride-to-be may not show at the wedding. If this happens, what is the proper protocol for whomever is asked to announce the postponement of the service? What does one say in such a situation? -- WANTS TO BE PREPARED, THOUSAND OAKS, CALIF.
DEAR WANTS TO BE PREPARED: If there is a possibility strong enough to write to an advice columnist that the bride will be a no-show, the wedding should be postponed NOW -- while the guests can still cancel their travel and lodging reservations, and before anyone has gathered for the ceremony.
Were I the person whose duty it was to inform the wedding guests that the wedding was canceled, I would simply say: "Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that there has been a change of plans. There will be no wedding today. However, don't let that stop you from enjoying the music and refreshments that have been provided. I'm sure you'll be hearing the details in the weeks to follow."