DEAR READERS: Yesterday I printed a letter from an Ohio mother regarding a previously published letter from a "Snoopy Mom" who proudly described searching through her teen-agers' belongings.
Today I'll share a sample of the mail I received from teens. Hang onto your hats! Read on:
DEAR ABBY: I am a teen-age male who was infuriated when I read the letter in your column from "Snoopy Mom." I'm willing to bet that if she caught her kids going through her personal belongings, she would lecture them until the sun went down. And you know what she'd be then? A hypocrite! As soon as her teen-agers left the room after telling them that snooping is wrong and that they should respect privacy, she'd start snooping again.
I hope God is on her side, because she is going to need His help if they catch her! –- JEFF IN CHICAGO